Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
Wildlife Reserve News for January, February 2011
February 2011
24 February, At last a sunny day after the dismal dark days we have had recently, it was nice to walk around in the sunshine, but not much to report, it was warmer and very wet underfoot.
16th February, Still no flowers to be seen, but it won't be long now, the pond is full, and some of the water marginal plants are growing, the water mint and marsh marigold for instance, but still quite small.
But the big difference to be noticed, is all the hedge planting that has been done, in the Spinney, near the pond, and along the southern boundary of New Churchfurlong.
In the Rec Spotted Woodpeckers were to be heard drumming, and in the churchyard are many snowdrop and crocus to be seen.
In the field towards Foxhole pond skylarks were to be seen flying and singing as they fluttered overhead.
January 2011
28th January, After a mild spell, its turned cold again and a stiff wind has dried the top layer of the soil in the Reserve, that and temperature about freezing made walking much less squelchy than recently. Alan has been hard at work, planting up a large number of hedging plants that have arrived.
In our garden the Great Tits have been 'viewing' the bird box, perhaps they will rear a brood as they did last year, the Acconites are out, and the Snowdrops are poking through the ground.
15th January, It has rained most days last week, and has been mild, the result being that the pond is now nearly over-brimming.
8th January, After the very cold weather around Christmas, the weather has now become milder, but the recent rain has made the reserve very wet, the pond has filled to a level not seen since last January, and there is standing water at several places in the fields.

The sound of a chain-saw was heard from the spinney, where two Stewkley stalwarts were busy, removing some of the shrub cover to let more light into the spinney, and making cover for nesting birds.
There were no birds to be seen in the fields between the reserve and Foxhole, where Yellow Hammers had been seen a month or two back, however they have been seen on bird feeders in the village.