Stewkley Wildlife Reserve

Cowslip - Primular veris
Time to see - April, May.
Height - 10cm
Veris means of the Spring, Spring flowering.
Cowslips used to be far more common in the past and were picked for many reasons. Children made balls out of the flower heads, needing 50-60 flower heads per ball.
Cowslip wine was made, the leaves and flowers eaten fresh or cooked, or it could be made into a tea.
The plant had many medicinal uses, being used for headaches and to improve the complexion amongst other things.
There are a few cowslips in the Wildlife Reserve, best seen in April before the grasses grow up and hide them.
Cowslips used to be far more common in the past and were picked for many reasons. Children made balls out of the flower heads, needing 50-60 flower heads per ball.
Cowslip wine was made, the leaves and flowers eaten fresh or cooked, or it could be made into a tea.
The plant had many medicinal uses, being used for headaches and to improve the complexion amongst other things.
There are a few cowslips in the Wildlife Reserve, best seen in April before the grasses grow up and hide them.